We are finally having new years meeting! I have been looking foward to this for a Very long time. We are having two families stay with us this time!! Well I need to get off so
Hi again! I hope ya'll guys have very merry christmas ! Miss Grammer is helping me decide what to put on here!!!!!!! She don't mind me doing this. I mean "she doesn't mind me doing this!"Well bye bye!!!
Miss Grammer says... Hi and happy holidays! I'm sitting here , typing with these pidstu reindeer antlers on while pooh corrects my grammer LOL. Bye for now. _ M&M
Happy 1st birthday Natalie!!! I wish I had a picture for her first birthday. I told my dad yesterday that it did not seem like a year yet. Any way hope you have a very good birthday!!!!!!
Hi guys, nothing is up right now, egg-zactly. I am at a friends house right babysitting right now. The kids I am babysitting are very fun!! Well thats it for now!! BYE!!!!
Hi guys, I have piano lessons today and church and mom and Jaylene had did gift baskets and so this will be a short post maybe. Of course it will. I am to-tally excited about Christmas. Any way I guess I will be going!!!!!!!